Meeting Solver® – Free E-Book
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The Meeting SOLVER® FREE E-Book
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A step-by-step guide to ensure that you are never compromised when it counts.
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“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”
– Benjamin Franklin
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The idea of putting on a play with no rehearsal is laughable.
The results? Catastrophic.
In the same way, lack of rehearsal and preparation before a meeting should be seen as just as laughable.
So WHY does this still happen all the time?!
Whatever the reasons – or excuses – (lack of time/I know the content already/it’s just a chat/couldn’t organise our diaries to get together) – when people arrive at a meeting unprepared, they do themselves a HUGE disservice.
They stop themselves from putting themselves in their client’s shoes; from asking great questions, from being spontaneous and creative; from being outcome focussed – and from looking credible and trustworthy.
Following on from the success of its’ presentation and speech-focussed counterpart, The Audience SOLVER®, ‘The Meeting SOLVER®’ will provide you with techniques that will ensure that you are prepared and confident every time.
I’d love to know how you get on with it. If you have any questions comments or ongoing concerns, please feel free to email me at
Best of luck!
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Enter your name and email address below to get instant access to the free E-Book.
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